Documents & Resources

Administrative Documents

TitleResource DescriptionAttachment
2024 NCEMA Executive Director Job Description (2024.09)This document provides job description duties, work hours/benefits, qualifications/skills and education, experience, and licensing requirements of the Executive Director position…
2024 NCEMA Executive Director Job DescriptionThis document provides job description duties, work hours/benefits, qualifications/skills and education, experience, and licensing requirements of the Executive Director position within the North Carolina Emergency Management Association.
NCEMA Brochure (Jan 2021 update)This brochure provides potential NCEMA members with background information concerning our Association and guidance on joining our organization.
NCEMA Membership Application – revision effective December 2021new NCEMA Membership Application - revision effective December 2021
NCEMA Committee Duties and AssignmentsDocument (dated 9/24/2024) provides a description of the duties assigned to each of the various Association committees and caucuses; and provides a current listing of all committee/caucus leadership and membership.
NCEMA Constitution and By-LawsCurrent edition of the NCEMA "Constitution and By-Laws" (as amended October 10, 2023).

Mentorship and Apprenticeship Program Documents

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Certification Documents

TitleResource DescriptionAttachment
Emergency Management Certification ProgramNCEM Certification Program guidance document. Dated Fall 2017
NCEM Executive Certification Application PacketNCEM Executive Emergency Manager Certification application package. Dated Fall 2017
NCEM Associate Certification Application PacketNCEM Associate Emergency Manager Certification application package. Dated July 2013.
NCEM Re-certification ApplicationRecertification application template for the NC EEM and NC AEM. Dated 2017.
AEM Reciprocity ApplicationTemplate application for reciprocity with IAEM's Associate Emergency Manager Certification.
CEM Reciprocity ApplicationTemplate application for reciprocity with IAEM's Certified Emergency Manager Certification.
Blank Training Submission FormExtra training submission forms for application package.

Strategic Plan Documents

TitleResource DescriptionAttachment
2021-2026 Strategic Plan Objectives and Current Status of Activities – Updated Master DocumentDocument reflects the current status of all 2021-2026 Strategic Plan Objectives......dated September 10, 2024.
2021-2026 Strategic Plan Objectives – Ad Hoc Committee – Final VersionThis document, developed by the NCEMA “Ad Hoc” Strategic Plan Development Committee, identifies objectives to be associated with the “2021-2021 NCEMA Strategic Plan”……which were approved by the NCEMA “General Membership” on May 26, 2021.
“New” Strategic Plan Specific Elements/TargetsThis document provides the areas that will be the focus as the "new" "2021-2026 NCEMA Strategic Plan" is developed.
2016-2021NCEMA Strategic Plan – Completed VersionThis document details all actions involved with the completion of the “2016-2021 NCEMA Strategic Plan.”

General Reference Documents

TitleResource DescriptionAttachment
Overview of Emergency Management Higher Education Programs in North CarolinaAn overview of the degree/diploma/certificate programs (or just classes) focused on emergency management that are conducted across all colleges, universities and community colleges in North Carolina; along with contact information.
NCEMA Presentation – Detailed InformationA detailed "overview" of our NCEMA's organization and activities.
NCEMA President Listing (11/24/2023)Document provides a listing of NCEMA Presidents. (NOTE: List lacks information from the early years of this Association)
Contacting and Working with Elected OfficialsTo provide emergency management coordinators with information to assist them as they build strong relationships with their various State Legislators and Congressional Representatives.
The North Carolina General Assembly: An OverviewProvides an overview of the structure, legislation and process of North Carolina’s Legislature.
How an Idea Becomes a LawAvailable to provide an understanding of the North Carolina Legislature’s process that is used to develop a law.
How a Bill Becomes a LawAvailable to provide an understanding of the North Carolina Legislature’s process that is used to develop a law.
North Carolina Hurricane Guide 2020North Carolina Hurricane Guide developed by NCEM. Document Date: 02/2020
NCEM Terms and AbbreviationsA reference guide for Terms, Abbreviations, & Acronyms used by NCEM.
FEMA Acronyms, Abbreviations and TermsA reference guide for Terms, Abbreviations, & Acronyms used by FEMA......dated July 2023.

Awards Documents

TitleResource DescriptionAttachment
NCEMA Award Presentation HistoryA listing of past recipients of the various awards presented by our Association. The first presented award was in 1967; and, we are continuing to research and obtain information concerning any award recipients that are not currently listed.
Recipients of the NCEMA’s President’s AwardA listing of individuals and groups that have been recognized by the Association’s serving President for their dedication, support and contributions beyond what was required to the North Carolina Emergency Management Association.
