The North Carolina Emergency Management Association (NCEMA) will award each year, $500.00 in a Scholarship to a current NCEMA member to support community college, college or university academic courses. The scholarship will not be issued for training course attendance. The applicant must include current proof of enrollment in the Spring semester that the scholarship is awarded or a transcript of Fall courses taken.

The following criteria should be submitted with each application
**application must be made online**

  1. 1. It is critical that applicant provide a valid e-mail address with their application, as correspondence related to the application will be sent by e-mail.
  2. A listing of emergency management, community and civic activities
  3. A listing of honors, awards, special recognitions
  4. A list of work experience
  5. A one-page personal statement on how the applicant will use their education to emulate Tim Miller’s legacy in emergency management.

Awards shall be based upon the member’s scholastic achievement, intellectual ability, character, and the promise of future contribution to our State and Nation. Selection of recipients is to be made without discrimination as to race, sex, creed or national origin.

Applications are available online December 1st and will remain through February 28.

Applicants must apply, online, by February 28th. Please read the rules for eligibility. Questions can be emailed to awards@ncema.net

August 4, 1957 – December 12, 2012

Tim Miller, a Caldwell County native began his career in the late ’70s as a volunteer paramedic for the county; a position in which he worked for several years. During that time Tim was instrumental in developing the medical first responder program which continues today as a large and expected response to the citizens of that county.

Tim began work with North Carolina Emergency Management in 1986 as a trainer and taught many different subjects. Two years later, he became NCEM’s radiological emergency preparedness planner. As the division’s REP planner, he greatly enhanced preparedness efforts in the counties around the McGuire and Catawba Nuclear Stations. In fact, much of his work is still being used today as a standard for response in the event of an accident at these locations.

In 1995, Tim became an area coordinator for the division, managing a trainer and two planners. Together, they worked with 18 counties conducting preparedness activities. Two years later, he became the Western Branch manager, overseeing five area coordinators in a 34-county region that included the Eastern Band of the Cherokee. During that time, he helped to develop what is now known as the North Carolina Helo-Aquatic Rescue Team, a nationally recognized program copied by many other states. He was also instrumental in developing the concept of forward deployment of resources, a practice that is still used today.

He was, on multiple occasions, called upon to provide assistance to other states during disasters such as the Florida Wildland Fires, Hurricane Andrew, 9/11/2001 Terrorist Attack and Hurricane Katrina.

Tim served in key Incident Management and Disaster Recovery positions to Major Hurricanes: Hugo, Andrew, Fran, Floyd, Bonnie, and Isabel. His duties included management of Logistical Staging Areas, Points of Distribution, and Disaster Warehouse Operations. He also served as North Carolina’s coordinator for Disaster Mortuary Operations during Hurricane Floyd.

Tim also served as an Incident Command, Land Navigation/GPS and Search Management Instructor and volunteered as a Planning Section Chief with the Burke County Search Team. He received the Colonel William A. Thompson Award from the NC Emergency Management Association for outstanding state EM employee in 1993 and also received the Higgins and Langley Swiftwater Rescue award in 2004 as a member of the State Emergency Response Team. He received the NC Crime Control & Public Safety Meritorious Service Award in 2005 and the Old North State Award for Service in 2006.

After his retirement in 2006, Tim continued as a consultant providing various types of support to the emergency management community. In 2007 he formed his own company, Blue Ridge Preparedness Group, LLC, and provided consulting services to numerous counties and states. Miller was recognized and known nationally for his knowledge of emergency services.

Tim personified the core values of an emergency management professional, integrity, commitment and devotion to duty. His unrelenting pursuit of excellence provided a model to emulate for those in the field of emergency management.